What is Binary Gap.
The binary gap of a number is defined as the maximum number of consecutive zeros that occur between two ones in the binary representation of the number.
<html> <title>Binary Gap</title> <body> <center> <label>Enter Number:</label><input type="number" id="number"> <button type="button" id="btn" onclick="findGap()">Click to Check Binary Gap!</button><br> <hr> <h2 style="color:green" id="binary"></h2> <h2 style="color:green" id="binarygap"></h2> </center> </body> <script> function findGap(){ let number = parseInt(document.getElementById('number').value); const binaryNumber = number.toString(2); var binaryGap = [], gapLength = 0 ,found = false; document.getElementById('binary').innerHTML = 'Binary Number : '+binaryNumber; for (let index = 0; index < binaryNumber.length; index++) { if(binaryNumber[index] == 1){ for(let j = index+1; j<=binaryNumber.length; j++){ if(binaryNumber[j]==0){gapLength++;} if(binaryNumber[j]==1) { found = true;break;} } if(found){ binaryGap.push(gapLength); found = false; } } gapLength=0; } if(binaryGap.length>0){ document.getElementById('binarygap').innerHTML = 'Largest Binary Gap is : '+ Math.max.apply(Math,binaryGap); }else{ document.getElementById('binarygap').innerHTML = 'Largest Binary Gap is : '+ 0; } } </script> </html>